12 Ways to Improve Your Hair Health and Texture
12 Ways to Improve Your Hair’s Health and Texture
African hair is the most unique and beautiful hair I have ever seen. Our hair defies gravity and surrenders to gravity when we spiral it into locs, and braids. No continent other than Africa has that control over gravity. Impressive right?
African hair types require quick attention and effective techniques for manageable hair. African hair is commonly known to be coarse and prone to breakage compared to other hair types; however, that should not be a burden as long as you cater for your hair appropriately with the right products. 100% natural hair products cater for the health of the hair relative to chemical-infused hair products that may be harmful to the hair.
Natural hair products are free of harmful substances that damage the hair follicles, scalp, and hair shaft. It is therefore crucial to invest in hair products that are made with natural ingredients. These would manage the hair better than chemically processed hair products.

How Do I Cater for My Hair?
Here are 12 hair care tips to improve your hair’s health and texture:
- Accept your hair type: comparing your hair with other people’s hair is unhealthy for your hair. On a quest to make your hair look like somebody else’s, you might damage your hair. Embracing your hair’s peculiarities is the first foundation you want to lay in your mind to avoid unachievable goals for your hair.
2. Shampoo: Various shampoos on the market contain harmful substances such as sulphates, parabens, synthetic fragrances, parabens, silicones, and many more. It is better to use a 100% natural and gentle shampoo to remove dirt and excess oil from your hair. Natural and gentle shampoos wash the scalp and hair follicles without stripping the hair of its natural oils. They also soften and make the hair shine, promoting healthy hair.
3. Conditioning: conditioning the hair is an important step in caring for your hair. Shampooing your hair without conditioning it will lead to hair breakage. As much as natural shampoo is gentle on the hair, ignoring conditioning steps can lead to hair breakage and unhealthy hair. Shampooing and conditioning are the foundation of healthy hair. To have manageable hair with great texture, you must opt for safe and natural conditioners that moisturise the hair effectively and restore the lost moisture barrier during shampooing.
4. Deep conditioning: It is one thing to condition the hair; it is another to deep condition the hair. As the name implies, deep conditioning is a process that requires using a conditioner that deeply conditions the hair. It deeply penetrates the hair shaft, making the hair deeply moisturised, softened, and revitalised. It offers wholesome moisture to the hair compared to ordinary conditioners. Opt for deep conditioners like Avila Rosemary Hair Mayonnaise that deeply moisturise, nourish, and treat weak and damaged hair.
5. Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet has an impact on hair health. For instance, if you are suffering from low iron, this may lead to hair loss, and treating it topically may amount to nothing. Eating iron-rich foods to get inclusive treatment for the hair and restore the strength of the hair is the best option to explore. Foods like eggs, avocado, spinach, sweet potatoes, oranges, and many more contribute to the health of hair.
6. Exercise: Exercise promotes the proper functioning of the whole body. Working out on a daily basis can greatly contribute to the health of your hair because it promotes blood circulation on the scalp, thereby contributing to the growth of the hair and improving its texture. Skipping, walking, yoga, Pilates, and dancing are inclusive exercises that will not only promote healthy hair but also contribute to the total wellbeing of the body.
7. Moisturising and Hydrating: Moisture and hydration are key to the growth, texture, and health of your hair. Using natural and effective moisturisers to moisturise your hair can prevent dryness, breakage, and split ends, promoting healthier and more vibrant hair. Also, moisture and hydration add shine to the hair, eliminating dull-looking and lifeless hair.
8. Trimming: Trimming your hair with hair shears can prevent split ends, making the hair healthier and fuller, therefore preventing further damage to the hair. Create a hair care trim routine to avoid overdoing hair trimming, thereby preventing the loss of healthy hair.
9. Sun protection: Your skin is not the only body part that requires sun protection. Your hair also requires protection from the sun. Therefore, using hair products that contain SPF or wearing hats or caps can prevent damage from the sun to the hair, thereby improving the texture of the hair and promoting healthier and silkier hair. Also, the natural tone of the hair is protected from the sun, preventing a bleached effect on natural hair.
10. Use Hair Oils: Hair oils strengthen the hair follicles and nourish the hair, which promotes hair growth and stronger hair. You can use oils rich in protein like Argan oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, flaxseed oil, and grape seed oil to seal moisture into the hair and revitalise your hair shaft and scalp. Hair oils may also be used for pre-poo treatment to protect the hair with natural oils that prevent breakage and dryness of the hair.
11. Body Hydration: Taking water regularly can hydrate your hair from within. Keeping a bottle of Avilan water with you at all times can improve the health of your hair by providing hydration and making it even more radiant. Also, eating fruits with high water content can support hydration for the hair.
12. Avoid heat: Heat styling tools can damage your hair by causing dry and brittle hair. Heat tools are bad for your hair because they reduce hair elasticity, strip hair of natural oil, denature hair protein, weaken hair follicles, and fade hair colour. To avoid this damage to your hair, reduce/quit heat or use heat-protecting products to prevent hair damage.
African hair type has long been misunderstood, but there is now sufficient information and research that reveals the dos and don’ts of African hair type. Follow these tips for your hair and enjoy healthier, lusher hair. Your hair is not stubborn; it just requires more understanding, more care, and more attention.